


リファレンスマニュアル P.62

Once the boot pins are selected, the application software can modify the memory accessible in the code area (in this way the code can be executed through the ICode bus in place of the System bus). This modification is performed by programming the Section 8.2.1: SYSCFG memory remap register (SYSCFG_MEMRMP) in the SYSCFG controller.

Address Boot/Remap in main Flash memory Boot/Remap in embedded SRAM Boot/Remap in System memory Remap in FMC
0x0000 0000 - 0x001F FFFF Flash (512 KB) Aliased SRAM1 (112 KB) Aliased System memory (30 KB) Aliased FMC bak 1 NOR/PSRAM 1 (128 MB Aliased) or FMC SDRAM bak 1 (128 MB Aliased)

リファレンスマニュアル P.238

Position Priority Type of priority Acronym Description Address メモ
- - - - Reserved 0x0000 0000
- -3 fixed Reset Reset 0x0000 0004 リセットハンドラのアドレスを入れる
- -2 fixed NMI Non maskable interrupt, Clock Security System 0x0000 0008
- -1 fixed HardFault All class of fault 0x0000 000C
96 103 settable FMPI2C1 error FMPI2C1 error interrupt 0x0000 01C0 452 Byte

プログラミングマニュアル P.40

On system reset, the vector table is fixed at address 0x00000000. Privileged software can write to the VTOR to relocate the vector table start address to a different memory location, in the range 0x00000080 to 0x3FFFFF80. For further infomation see Vector table offset register (VTOR) on page 227.

プログラミングマニュアル P.221

Address Name Required privilege Reset value
0xE000ED08 VTOR Privileged 0x00000000

プログラミングマニュアル P.227

Bits 31:30 Resurved, Bits 29:9 It contains bits [29:9] of the offset of the table base from memory address 0x00000000. Bit 29 determines whether the vector table is in the code or SRAM memory region. Bits 8:0 Reserved,